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Cognitive Theory Shows Promise for AI Advances
Researchers are applying the cognitive theory of affordances developed by psychologist James J. Gibson to robotics. The principal shifts the focus of the artificial intelligence system from what a thing is to how it can be used. Early experiments show promise that this new approach will help robotic systems better identify real world objects and put them to use.

Computer Vision May Not Be Advancing As Rapidly As Believed
Flaws in the tests scientists use to evaluate a computer's ability to recognize objects visually may have led to overly optimistic reports of progress in the challenging field of computer vision. A new MIT study posits that these tests inadvertently favor the computer.

Piecing together the next generation of cognitive robots
While building robots with anything akin to human intelligence remains a far off vision, making them more responsive would allow them to be used in a greater variety of sophisticated tasks in the manufacturing and service sectors. Such robots could be used as home helpers and caregivers, for example.

An Apple Is What You Do With It
Using a corpus containing more than a trillion words, and the brain activity of nine volunteer subjects, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have demonstrated that they can predict unique brain activation patterns associated with names for things that you can see, hear, feel taste or smell.

Experiment Implies Memory Is More Dynamic Than Once Thought
Israeli researchers were able to effectively erase long-term memories in rats by administering a single dose of a drug that silences the enzyme PKMzeta. The experiment implies that long-term memory is a more dynamic process than previously thought and opens the door to drug therapies for boosting and stabilizing memory.

Robofish Inspired By Nature Communicate With Each other In Underwater Teams
University of Washington researchers looked to the behavior of schooling and herding animals to improve the performance and inter-machine communications in underwater robots. Someday these more efficient laborers could take on tasks such as tracking groups of whales, or exploring environments too dangerous for manned exploration.

An Unorthodox Javascript Form Submission
Describes three fixes in handling an unorthodox Javascript form submission. Executing Javascript before submitting the data to the server; altering the behavior of the PHP running on the server so that it would return to the original page; and restarting animated GIFs.

Bring Your Web Site to Life With PHP
PHP is the scripting language that powers some of the biggest Web 2.0 content providers in the business. Whether you're looking to add a simple feedback form to your site, or have your heart set on building the next Facebook, read up on PHP in this informative tutorial and get started tonight.

Use JavaScript to Dynamically Update Your Website
Learn to use this simple JavaScript technique to change content and make instant updates across your entire site. Whether you update five pages or thousands, this handy web tip is a must read!

Using HTML Tables to Format Your Web Page
Follow these simple steps to master the use of the HTML table features and deliver beautiful layouts for all of your web page design work.

Tips for Improving Website Navigation
In order for visitors to find the right information, a website's navigation path needs to be clear. Without a clear navigation path, visitors will become confused and leave before they can make a purchase.In order for visitors to find the right information, a website's navigation path needs to be clear. Without a clear navigation path, visitors will become confused and leave before they can make a purchase.

Choosing the Right Color for Your Web Site
When people build a web site for their business (or hire a web design company to make it for them), not much thought is put into deciding what color their web site will be as most would rather focus on more important tasks like creating content, web site optimization and promotion. Most simply choose the most web-friendly colors, others use their company’s logo as base while some decide to just use their favorite color.

Designing A Website That Loads Quickly
The amount of time it takes for your website to load onto the visitor's screen is a major influence on traffic to your site. Research has shown that most internet users will leave your website if it takes more than 10 seconds to load and some potential guests will exit even faster. A quick loading website is vitally important to the success of your site.

How to Create Web2.0 Applications using AJAX and Clientside HTTP Requests
AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. A web 2.0 application, or AJAX application, runs on a single web page, and uses clientside javascript to initiate and process additional requests to the server.

Getting a Grip on VBScript Arrays with UBound
The ubound function returns the highest subscript in the given dimension of an array and can simplify your array handling tasks.

VBScript Split Function
The VBScript Split function takes a string and returns an array broken up by the delimiter of your choosing. This functionality can make short work of parsing plain text, CSV, tab delimitted, or virtually any type of string you can imagine.

A Longest Common Substring Function for Javascript
Here is a down and dirty Javascript function that returns the longest substring shared by two string variables.